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The Leica CM3050S is a motorized cryotome (freezing microtome) for sectioning fresh/frozen tissue.
Get On-demand Access to Leica CM3050S Cryotome
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The Leica CM3050S is a motorized cryotome (freezing microtome) for sectioning fresh/frozen tissue.
NOTE: Access to UC Berkeley facilities and services requires university approval which takes as little as 24 hours. First time customers on Second Lab will be prompted to complete approval requirements during checkout. We encourage you to book your 15 minute onboarding with the Second Lab team through the following link: Click here to schedule your onboarding (15 mins)!
Once approved, each user is required to complete instrument-specific training. Click here to book your instrument training!
Please note that all users of the BIF must read and acknowledge the following lab rules and safety information in order to be approved for access, instrument training, and booking.
General Safety Concerns
• All departmental safety bulletins and required safety postings are placed on the BIF safety wall next to the lab door.
• You have the right to ask a question, or report any safety hazards, either directly or anonymously without any fear of reprisal. There are forms and instructions available on the BIF Safety wall next to the lab door.
• If you are doing something that is deemed unsafe, you will be asked to stop and then taught how to proceed safely. If you persist in the unsafe practice, you may be asked to leave the lab and not return.
• You can tell Denise Schichnes.
• You can use the form posted on the safety wall (next to the lab door).
• You can go to the EH&S website to anonymously report a safety concern
• You can tell the departmental safety committee.
• Hugo Garcia
• If you are injured while working in the Biological Imaging Facility, please notify Denise Schichnes immediately.
• If you require anything more than a bandage, we will take you to the Tang Center for treatment. We will fill out paperwork and submit it to EH&S.
• The form for reporting occupational injuries and illnesses is on the BIF safety wall next to the lab door. The form is also on the EH&S website at
• If you are injured after hours and require emergency medical attention, please call 911 from the lab phone (by the door), or call (510) 642-3333 from your cell phone for emergency assistance.
• You must be trained by Denise Schichnes before you may operate any equipment in the facility.
• The MSDS hardcopies for all the lab chemicals are located in the file cabinet marked “MSDS” near the lab door.
• The hazards of any chemical to which you may be exposed while working in the Biological Imaging Facilityare listed in the MSDSs for those chemicals. All chemicals found in the lab are listed on the inventory hanging up by the sink. You may also consult the hazard door sign posted just outside of the lab door.
• Researchers who are using chemicals in the Biological Imaging Facility must talk with Denise and read appropriate Quick Tip sheet before use. Chemicals are labelled with a colored sticker that matches with the appropriate Quick Tip.
• For a building emergency, such as the fire alarm sounding, the emergency assembly area site for Koshland Hall is the lawn area enclosed by the Genetics and Plant Biology (GPB) Building, Li Ka-Shing Building, and Morgan Hall, and Mulford Hall.
• You may not wait in the patio area between GPB and Koshland.
• The emergency management area for Koshland is EMA5, the grassy area between Strawberry Creek and Valley Life Sciences Building. This is where to go for campus-wide emergencies.
• Emergency numbers are listed by the lab phone, near the lab door. You can call 911 from the lab phone, or you can call the university police from your cell phone at (510) 642-3333.
• The closest fire extinguisher is right outside of 338 Koshland (the conference room). The closest fire alarm pull station is on the wall next to 383 Koshland (outside the lab door and turn right, on the right hand side).
• The drain disposal policy is posted next to the lab sink.
• You may not dispose of biological waste in this lab.
• The emergency eye-wash is in the hall. Go outside the lab door, turn Right down the main hall and look to the left.
• The emergency shower station is in the hall. Go outside the lab door, turn right down the main hall and look to the left.
• The spill clean-up supplies are located in the prep room for the third floor, 340 Koshland. The supplies are in a yellow plastic can with a yellow lid. The can is clearly labelled. To be able to clean up a chemical spill, you must have taken the online chemical spill course, be familiar with the properties of the chemical spilled, the spill must be small, you must have the proper PPE, and you must feel comfortable cleaning up the spill. Otherwise, call EH&S at (510) 642-3073, or UC police if after hours at (510) 642-3333.
• The lab’s chemical hygiene plan is located on the BIF Safety wall next to the lab door.
• The lab first aid kit is kept in the cabinet behind the lab safety wall next to the lab door.
• Do not adjust, tamper with, or remove the laser safety cover.
• All safety doors must be closed for the beam to operate.
• Do not ever look into the laser beam.
• Do not put anything in the path of the laser except your sample.
• You may not align the laser. If the laser alignment sign has been posted, you may not enter that room.
• To operate the laser microscopes, you must be trained by Denise Schichnes.
• Don’t look at an unshielded lamp. The unshielded and unfiltered light contains high levels of UV light and will damage your eyes.
• Once the bulb has been turned off, it may not be turned on for at least 20 minutes.
• To operate the epifluorescence microscopes, you must be trained by either Denise Schichnes or Steve Ruzin.
• Read the MSDS for all chemicals you will be using in paraffin or resin processing, as well as the Quick Tip Sheets posted on the Safety Wall.
• You must wear a flame resistant lab coat, nitrile gloves, and protective eye wear to handle and dispose of all solutions involved in paraffin and resin processing. All xylene must remain in the fume hood at all times. Any chemicals disposed of must be logged, including chemical name, date, and amount. The chemical wastes are labelled and located in the fume hood. You must keep all waste capped.
• You must wear a lab coat and nitrile gloves while working on the cryotome.
• Biohazardous materials must be fixed before cryotome sectioning.
• Microtome knives are very sharp and dangerous. Do not remove the knife from its safety dispenser until you are ready to begin sectioning. Do not reuse disposable knives.
• Never leave a blade in the microtome/cryotome unattended. Dispose of disposable knives in the sharps waste next to the microtome. Keep permanent knives in the safety container when not in use. Never leave a blade in the microtome unattended.
• To safely operate the microtome, you must be trained by Denise Schichnes.
• Use the lock on the microtome when adjusting samples.