The BenchSmart™ 96 offers the precision of automation paired with the speed and flexibility of manual positioning. The BenchSmart 96’s three quick-change pipetting heads enable 96- and 384-well pipetting from 0.5 μL to 1 mL. The touchscreen display offers precision control over aspiration, dispensing, tip loading and ejection. This instrument can fit on a researcher’s lab bench.
Get On-demand Access to Rainin BenchSmart electronic 96 channel pipettor
Get On-demand Access to Rainin BenchSmart electronic 96 channel pipettor
Access Guideline
NOTE: Access to UC Berkeley facilities and services requires prior university approval which takes as little as 24 hours. Select "Request Access" button to begin the process and contact with any questions.
Once approved, each user will be added to the iLab scheduling app so they can make reservations in iLab as well as Second Lab. If you are working with live human cells or tissue, transgenic cell lines, and/or recombinant DNA you will need to have an approved BUA for UCB campus core facility work.
Please allow time for these processes to finalize by responding quickly to emails concerning these two tasks, contact information about your company and user emails will be needed for the iLab registration and a template will assist you with the BUA applications, as well as assistance from core facility managers and UCB administration. BUAs are reviewed monthly.
Each user must complete instrument-specific training before using the instrumentation. See listing descriptions for more details.
Lab rules
All external, non-UCB customers are required to comply with all UC visitor policies and lab rules.