
Full Service CRYO-Ultramicrotomy

Full Service CRYO-Ultramicrotomy

org-name UCB Electron Microscope Lab
1 day

Full Service Cryo-Ultramicrotomy projects taken on a case by case basis and as time allows within the lab.

Ultramicrotomy with:

The EML has Leica ultramicrotomes (UC6 and UC7), also equipped with cryo-ultramicrotomy mount, for sectioning samples.  Material/polymer (as in and/or biological specimen cryo-sectioning available.

50nm – 100nm (or more) sections can be collected onto a variety of grid types as needed (slot or mesh), using Diatom diamond knives.

For projects that need correlation back to whole tissues, we employ toluidine blue staining of “thick” sections collected onto glass slides, light microscopy images are taken for reference.

Submission Guideline

NOTE: Access to UC Berkeley facilities and services requires university approval which takes as little as 24 hours. First time UC Berkeley users on Second Lab will be prompted to complete approval requirements during checkout.

Please contact with any questions.

Lab Information
Barker Hall, California