*NOTE: This listing is for users seeking to access and operate this instrument in-person. We also offer services in which users can ship samples to Cal-Cryo's expert staff who will prepare and set up this instrument for your remote operation. For more information see: Remote Cryo-TEM Workstation Service.
The Thermo Fisher Scientific Krios G2 300kV Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope (Cryo-TEM) offers users a powerful yet stable 300 kV TEM platform combined with Autoloader. a cryogenic sample manipulation robot, making for fully automated data collection for a variety of applications, including: single particle analysis (SPA) and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET).
Cal-Cryo makes this instrument available to non-UCB, external users in 24 hour reservation increments for a flat rate. This rate includes instrument training (provided during your reservation, access to the FEI Vitrobot Mark IV Semi-Automated Vitrification System and the ability to leverage the Remote Cryo-TEM Workstation after sample set up, for those using open source CryoEM processing software.