List Your Lab with Second Lab
Unlock New Opportunities & Additional Revenue for Your Research Facility
Join a growing network of top-tier research facilities listing their lab on Second Lab. Support groundbreaking research while generating additional revenue for your lab.
Why Top University Facilities Partner with Second Lab
Increased Revenue
Generate additional income by renting out underutilized equipment and facilities.
Enhanced Collaboration
Connect with groundbreaking researchers and foster new collaborative opportunities.
Utilization Optimization
Control the utilization rates of your facilities while ensuring your equipment is used to its fullest potential.
Simplified Management
Our platform provides easy scheduling, booking, and management tools to streamline the process.
Efficient Payments
Benefit from a unified invoicing and payment system that supports card or bank payments, ensuring prompt and secure transactions.
Data Security & Compliance
Stay compliant with industry standards and regulations while ensuring the security and confidentiality of customer data.
How It Works
Create an Account
Sign up and create a profile for your institution.
List Your Equipment
Provide details about your available equipment and facilities, including specifications, availability, and pricing.
Manage Bookings
Use our intuitive dashboard to manage bookings, communicate with researchers, and track usage.
Get Paid
Receive payments directly through our secure platform, with transparent reporting and analytics.
Support & Resources
We’re here to help at every step
Dedicated Support Team
Our support team is available to assist with any questions or issues you may have.
Resource Center
Access our comprehensive guides, FAQs, and best practices for listing and managing your lab on the platform.
Training and Onboarding
We offer personalized training sessions to ensure you’re comfortable using our platform.
Get Started Today
Ready to List Your Lab?
Join our network of premier research facilities and start maximizing your lab’s potential today.
Get an Answer to Your Questions.

At Second Lab, you can list instruments, specialty and bulk tissue cultures, sophisticated processing or analytical services, and even training and workshops. If your offering has unique or challenging requirements, we’ll work closely with you to find an effective solution that meets your needs.

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Address5900 Balcones Drive, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78731, USA
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